Saturday, November 23, 2013

Weekly Fishing Report: November 21, 2013

Weekly Fishing Report: November 21, 2013

wwww.riverratdog.com571 651 2616

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Weekly Fishing Report - October 31, 2013

Weekly Fishing Report - October 31, 2013

www.riverratdog.com571 651 2616

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Steelhead walleye high water michigan fishing guide

Fishing has been good Steelhead on the Muskegon Walleye on the Detroit. Rivers are high. Government officials have closed the ramps on the Muskegon, were still fishing today! Calling for 3 more inches of rain. Might be to much water to fish the Muskegon. We still have the Detroit river. Walleyes
;Still have open dates!!! 571 651 2616

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

where is Spring 571 651 2616
 Will Not be long Now!!!! But its cold today happy to be in the house Soon the Air will warm, the rivers will warm and the Steelhead will enter the rivers. Don't get me wrong we have been getting Steelhead. But the best is yet to come. Still have open dates!!!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Polarized sunglasses

This week's fishing tip - Polarized sunglasses may save your eyesight.

The art of fly fishing means keeping one or two flies in constant motion at the end of your line. At two points during each cast, the direction of the flies crosses the vertical plane of your face, meaning there's always a risk of hooking yourself. While barbless hooks and careful casting can mitigate some of this risk, the chance of driving a stout egg hook into your earlobe or eyeball is very re
Polarized sunglasses serve two important functions while fishing. First, they cut surface glare and allow you to read water, look at bottom structure and spot fish that may have gone unnoticed if you weren't wearing them. They also keep you from squinting into low sunlight and glare, saving you a nasty headache at the end of the day.
Made from plastic or tempered glass, sunglasses are safety glasses, protective lenses that keep branches, debris and flying hooks from damaging your eyeballs. Hooks that end up embedded in your fingers, hands, ears, etc, aren't fun to remove, but it's often a relatively easy operation. Getting a hook stuck in an eyelid or eyeball is an emergency situation that requires immediate physician attention.
.Eyeball hook removal

Eyeball hook removal .Save yourself the pain, stress and worry of a situation like this - wear your sunglasses when you are fishing the long rod. Your eyes may thank you for it! 571 651 2616

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

michigan river rude Fishing? 571 651 2616

Remember last April, when Field & Stream Magazine’s Kirk Deeter said in a blog post that Michigan is the top state in the country for fly-fishing? And how we all called our friends and relatives in Montana and Colorado and New York, and asked them how it felt to be such a loser?

Well, Michigan landed on another Deeter list yesterday, but don’t reach for the phone just yet.

This time the blogger compiled what he calls the rudest trout rivers in America. And ranking way higher than we Michiganders might like–second only to the famous Henry’s Fork of the Snake River in Idaho–was our own Pere Marquette River.

Before I’d given the list a careful read, I took that to mean that visitors to the P.M. are likely to encounter anglers swearing at each other, ruining others’ fishing and throwing beer cans at canoeists.

Balderdash! Blasphemy! Surely Deeter isn’t disparaging the plainspoken, hard-working, god-fearing fisherfolk of the Great Lake State!

No, as a closer look at the list reveals, he isn’t. Deeter’s talking about the rivers themselves, not the people who fish them. He points to the P.M.’s fly-stealing stumps and its unpredictable insect hatches as evidence of the river’s rudeness.

As he puts it, “some rivers don’t give a rip who you are, where you’re from, how good you are, or what you paid to get there.”

Now that sounds like the Michigan I know and love, and I’ll take this as another compliment. I might even call my out-of-state friends to tell them I don’t give a rip who they are.